The need for improved oil and gas injury prevention measures appears to be hitting critical mass. More than 12.4 million people worked in the sector during 2023 and the demand for energy sector jobs continues to rise.

Although the vast majority — 8.27 million — of people work in the oil segment, workplace injuries and fatalities are prevalent in the gas segment and other energy-driven occupations. This also includes their respective supply chains.

With workplace injuries and deaths on the rise, employers are tasked with doing more in terms of promoting oil and gas industry accident prevention policies and furnishing workers with the personal protective equipment they need.

Fats Facts About Oil and Gas Injuries and Fatalities

The recent trend of injury rates in the oil and gas sector is troubling for a variety of reasons. In this particular niche, the number of people involved in accidents and ailments had been on a steady decline from 2006 to 2020. During 2006, 3.6 workers per 100 suffered a setback worthy of reporting. That figure gradually declined until 2020, when the rate bottomed out at 1.4 employees per 100.

What appears counterintuitive is that U.S. oil production increased from 304.5 metric tons in 2006 to 751 metric tons in 2019, before the pandemic reduced demand and output. In terms of workplace safety, we saw improved oil and gas industry accident prevention results during an upswing in production.

Following the production dip to 713.3 metric tons in 2020, output has risen to 827.1 metric tons in 2023 and established a new record of 13.2 million barrels of crude oil per day in August 2024, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

Unfortunately, workplace incidents ticked up to 1.8 per 100 employees in 2022 and appear to be rising. These rank among the more common and avoidable ways people suffer injuries, illnesses, and fatalities.

  • Trip, Slip and Fall Incidents:Hard impacts from slip, trip, and fall incidents remain the leading workplace year-over-year injury according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). It accounts for upwards of 30 percent of all workplace incidents, and oil and gas are no exception. Oil sector workers routinely slip on petroleum spills and underestimate their danger.
  • Hazardous Fumes: Oil and gas fumes are quick to cause respiratory damage and fatalities. Long-term exposure has been cited as a reason for chronic breathing ailments and may heighten the risk of cancer.
  • Confined Spaces: Confined spaces such as oil holding tanks pose a clear and present danger. Chemical exposure during the cleaning process and contact with lingering materials put workers in harm’s way when not properly ventilated or ill-equipped with PPE.
  • Hard Impacts: The majority of job site fatalities are the result of workers being struck by heavy or blunt objects. Oil and gas extraction sites use pipes, commercial drills, and other moving parts and equipment. A single blow can result in death.
  • Combustion: Working with highly flammable material poses an inherent risk. A single spark can result in significant burns and explosions.

Like many other labor-intensive occupations, the repetitive strain of using weighty tools, lifting materials, and stretching to perform tasks puts inordinate stress on the body. Sprains and strains, as well as muscle and ligament tears, are not uncommon among oil and gas workers.

Declining Oil and Gas Industry Accident Prevention Measures

The argument that an increased workforce may be the root cause of workplace accidents does not appear to hold statistical weight. That’s largely because the industry experienced fewer injuries during a growth period.

But since the pandemic, injuries have been inexplicably on the rise. Oil and gas industry experts point to departures from standard safety measures as a driving reason for the increased number of workplace incidents. Based on accounts from boots-on-the-ground oil and gas workers, insiders indicate that employees feel so rushed and pressured that they take shortcuts.

Despite the failures to follow best practices, it may be the case that crews worry about meeting expectations and keeping their jobs, they knowingly take risks. At least one report from the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement that involves not wearing proper PPE in a confined space supports this conclusion.  

Improving Oil and Gas Industry Injury Prevention

With the oil and gas companies experiencing higher incident rates, safety managers may need to think outside the proverbial box for solutions. The integration of next-gen technology in an industry known for tough manual labor offers a pathway forward. These are ways digital innovations could play a prominent role in oil and gas industry injury prevention.

  • Virtual Reality: Wide-reaching sectors have embraced virtual reality as a way to train new hires without the risk of workplace accidents. Healthcare, law enforcement, construction, and even military aviators train on virtual reality simulators. Given that inexperienced personnel are more prone to mistakes, virtual reality could help reduce injuries and fatalities.
  • Augmented Reality: These devices enhance a field crew member’s field of vision. While the surroundings are in no way altered, augmented reality headsets provide alerts to heighten safety awareness.

Some of the more forward-thinking oil and gas companies employ a mix of virtual and augmented reality tools to train new workers and increase safety awareness among seasoned veterans. Some believe mixed reality solutions also help people with memory retention.

Traditional Workplace Safety Measures Deliver Results

Crafting and implementing workplace safety policies can greatly reduce the number of injuries and deaths. Organizations that train, educate, and maintain a robust supply of PPE and disposable protective clothing are financially rewarded with fewer workers’ compensation claims, less attrition, and lower insurance premiums.

These are tried-and-true best practices that oil and gas businesses would be well served to re-introduce, require, and implement going forward.

Regular Safety Audits

Once a crew member bypasses a safety step to save time, they are likely to make it a habit. As supervisors praise their productivity and get-things-done track records, others are inclined to follow suit. Having a third party conduct an impartial on-site audit can uncover risky shortcuts and rein in unsafe behavior. Things may get done a little slower, but curing a dangerous practice saves lives.

Support Culture of Safety

One of the key reasons workers don’t always follow corporate policies stems from the fact they hear little about them. For anything to become second nature, it must be practiced and preached on a regular basis. Some companies invest in signage that reinforces the “safety first” message. That being said, supervisors must insist on following the rules and provide positive reinforcement.

Micro-Learning Strategies

It may come as something of a surprise, but the average staff member forgets about half the information they are exposed to during a training session. Being hit with a barrage of information over a short period of time is rarely a successful way to retain knowledge. By portioning out safety methods and the use of PPE, everyday people learn quicker and retain more information.

Stockpile Necessary PPE for Oil and Gas Worker Safety

The importance of oil and gas workers having unfettered access to PPE and disposable protective clothing cannot be understated. The toxic chemicals, fumes, and airborne particles crew members come in contact with can cause debilitating and sometimes fatal injuries and health conditions. Industry leaders and safety managers who invest in protective gear and clothing help eliminate the use of street clothes that provide little, hazard-specific protection.