Few industries are as critical to the human race as food manufacturing. This industry permeates nearly every other sector of the economy. In this industry, quality, integrity, and product safety always need to be at the top of the priority list. Therefore, in order to ensure product quality, cleanrooms play a critical role. In order for companies to meet this expectation, there are standards and requirements that have been published by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
In general, cleanrooms need to meet something called the ISO Class 6 standards. Depending on a company’s specific needs, there are different types of food processing cleanrooms available. This means that companies and businesses are largely able to tailor their cleanrooms to meet their specific needs. By investing in the proper cleanrooms, companies are able to make sure that they remain compliant with the rules and regulations that have been published by the FDA.
Types of Cleanrooms
There are a few different types of cleanrooms that a food manufacturing business might require. These include:
Softwall Cleanroom :
A softwall cleanroom is one of the most common types of cleanrooms that food manufacturers might require. All of the parts for this type of cleanroom are pre-made ahead of time. This makes them relatively inexpensive to produce and easy to install. A team of professionals will typically come out to the site ahead of time. This is important for figuring out where the cleanroom is going to go and how it is going to work with the rest of the location. Those who already have cleanrooms need to make sure it is maintained properly. It is a good idea to replace the filters on a regular basis to ensure the cleanroom is functioning exactly as intended. Some of the biggest benefits of a softwall cleanroom include:
- A softwall cleanroom is one of the least expensive cleanrooms available.
- A softwall cleanroom is also incredibly versatile and can be built to the specifications of the customer.
- A softwall cleanroom can be moved to a new location without a tremendous amount of hassle.
With decades of experience, our professionals will be able to set up your softwall cleanroom in the blink of an eye. Furthermore, our team can even make this happen without distracting your employees or disrupting your business.
Hardwall Cleanroom :
Companies that are looking for additional control with regards to pressure, static, and humidity will want to go with a hardwall cleanroom. This cleanroom provides the highest degree of sterility possible for a food manufacturing facility. These cleanrooms can be made out of a variety of materials including vinyl, plastic laminate, stainless steel, aluminum, and fiberglass. In addition, these food processing cleanrooms can be constructed to be either freestanding or built into the existing walls. Some of the important points to remember regarding a hardwall cleanroom include:
- A hardwall cleanroom can be built to incorporate with the existing heating and cooling system of the food manufacturing facility.
- This type of cleanroom can also be built to use the existing windows, ensuring that there is enough light in the room for employees to carry out their duties efficiently.
- A hardwall cleanroom can be tailored to meet the current equipment present in the room.
It is critical for any food manufacturing business that is in need of a hardwall cleanroom to rely on the professionals for assistance. The goal of this cleanroom is to provide the facility with precision with regards to temperature, pressure, and static. In order for a cleanroom to meet these needs, this job should be handled by experienced professionals.
Rigidwall Cleanroom :
Those that are in search of something that fits between a softwall and hardwall cleanroom will want to go with a rigidwall cleanroom. This structure is affordable, like a softwall cleanroom, but also durable, like a hardwall cleanroom. Therefore, this structure strikes a happy medium. This facility is modular, meaning that it can be moved from place to place as needed. If someone moves to a new location, the rigidwall structure can be picked up and moved to the new area. Furthermore, when necessary, the walls of this cleanroom can be taken down and stored to make additional room for something else. Some of the other important points to remember include:
- A rigidwall classroom provides a professional aesthetic that is going to make a lasting impression on clients.
- This facility is easy to monitor, allowing food manufacturing facilities to showcase exceptional products and services to both inspectors and visitors.
- This cleanroom is designed to match exceptional quality with convenient affordability.
A rigidwall cleanroom strikes a happy balance between a softwall and hardwall cleanroom. In order for this to be handled properly, it is critical to rely on trained professionals who have dealt with this structure before. The parts are pre-fabricated at a factory; however, in order to complete the job efficiently, it is important to rely on the expertise of cleanroom technicians.
Additional Services for Food Processing Cleanrooms
While the structure of a cleanroom is important, there are additional services that will truly allow cleanrooms to carry out all of their intended functions. Some of the additional services that food manufacturing centers will need to consider include:
Lighting :
When setting up a cleanroom, it is important to think about the lighting. There are a few lighting options that food manufacturing centers need to consider. These include:
- Led light panels, which ensure there is plenty of light in each corner of the cleanroom. These panels can eliminate crevices and seams that might pool contaminants.
- LED light strips, which have been designed to light up the entire room with maximum efficiency. They typically attach to the ceiling grid T-bar.
- Fluorescent lighting, which is versatile, functional, and affordable, particularly for cleanrooms that have added ceiling space. They resist corrosion, dust, and water.
- Teardrop lights, which work well for cleanrooms that have filters spread throughout the ceiling. These are some of the least expensive lighting options.
It is normal for food manufacturing centers to have questions about which type of lighting is going to be best for their facility. This is where it is important to ask the professionals for their opinions.
Air Filtration :
This is one of the most important parts of every cleanroom. The air filtration system is what makes a cleanroom a cleanroom. There are multiple types of air filtration options that food manufacturing options should consider. These include:
- Pre-filters are the first types of filter that removes particles and contaminants. These filters need to be changed about six times per year.
- ULPA (ultra-low particulate air) filters come after pre-filters. They have been rated to remove 99.999 percent of all particles and contaminants that are less than 12 microns in diameter.
- HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filters are another option for removing particles or contaminants that might make it past the pre-filters. They remove 99.99 percent of all particles that are larger than 3 microns in diameter.
For help deciding which filters to choose, trust the professionals and their experience. These filters need to be installed properly.
Air Circulation :
Finally, air circulation is critical to the function of a cleanroom. If the air is not being circulated properly, it becomes susceptible to contamination. The vast majority of cleanrooms are going to use something called laminar flow to prevent contamination. Laminar flow hoods are designed to push air towards the ground. Laminar air flow devices are placed differently in softwall, hardwall, and rigidwall cleanrooms. It is important for this installation process to be carried out properly. The sterility and function of the entire cleanroom depends on this step.
It is important to ensure that these additional services work well with the cleanroom structure. This is where the expertise of trained professionals is essential. Rely on experienced technicians when it comes to high-quality food processing cleanrooms.
Rely on the Quality and Security of the Trained Professionals
These rules and regulations have been put in place for the safety and security of those who rely on the products of the food manufacturing industry on a daily basis. With the right cleanrooms, everyone will have access to safe and nutritious food. Therefore, those who are interested in having the highest quality cleanrooms on the market should rely on trained professionals. Whether it is a hardwall cleanroom, a rigidwall cleanroom, or a softwall cleanroom, trust the experts who have been there before. Ensure that your company is compliant with all FDA rules and regulations.